Simple Invoice Manager (SIM)

Built with Microsoft Access
SIM is fully customizable

Simple Invoice Manager is a Microsoft Access database file application. It is a general invoice generator which also store invoice data. Regardless of your business size, invoice manager can solve your invoice hassles. Invoice manager is fully customizable and it can easily convert your stored invoice data to PDF file. It is convenient that you can keep your invoice manager in external or flash drive and even you can place it in a shared drive where multiple users can access it using different login credentials.

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Simple Invoice Manager

Simple Invoice Manager is a general purpose invoice manager. This is suitable for billing customers whether it's a service provided to them or if you normally serve at the counter and need an invoice manager then this would be a good choice.

Buy - K80.00
Hire Car Simple Invoice Manager

This invoice manager has been purposely designed for Hire car owners. If you normally issues invoice to your customers then Hire Car Simple Invoice Manager is a good tool for managing and generating your invoice.

Buy - K80.00
NOTE: Images below are for demonstration purposes ONLY
dashboard image

This is a log in interface. Upon opening the apllication you will be required to enter your credentials. Information regarding log in will be sent to you email address.

dashboard image

The invoice manager dashboard is the main interface from which you perform all neccessary operation like creating new invoice, editing invoice information, setting user credentials, view invoice and setting you company information.

dashboard image
New Invoice

New invoice dialog is opened when the new invoice button is clicked. This is where you enter details for a new invoice.

dashboard image
Edit Invoice

Invoice deatils can be edited. The edit dialog is opened when you click on the corresponding ID of the invoice on the invoice listing on the main dashboard.

dashboard image
Invoice Report

For the invoice report, the report dialog is opened when you click on the title of the corresponding invoice in the invoice listing on the main dashboard. You can also save the invoice as pdf format by clicking on the save button at the bottom of the dialog.

dashboard image

The settings dialog is for setting your company details. This is the user interface where you can fully customize your invoice manager including changing your company logo.

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User settings

If you are hosting your invoice manager on a shared drive or you just want more than one user to access the invoice manager with a different log in credentials then you can use this user setting provision to set login credentials for each user.

Simple Invoice Manager

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